Friday, August 24, 2012

My Fabulous Family

Here is our first "official" family photo as a family of 13! Keller Photography & Design: linn &emdash; John and I in the center, and no I won't be sharing our ages! :) Then youngest to oldest is: Riley, 19............. Logan, 18.............. Nolan, 16........... Rhynee, 16............. Cale, 14............ Quincy, 12........... James, 11........... Yana, 9 [being held by red headed Cale :)].......... Tavi, 6........ Luke, 6....... Quentin, 1..... ................................................. I LOVE this picture. I love the diversity of my children both in looks AND personalities! Granted, some days I really wish there was some consistency among their personalities, but they are all so very different. It is both exhausting and exciting. It sure keeps us on our toes! .............................................................................. ps: WHY does blogger ONLY let me type as a solid block? I have it all spaced nicely when I publish it, but then it just becomes a giant block of type without spacing! ARGH!